''DOLCE '' litter 

                                                 5 girls and 7 boys born 04.10.2013


                                                    in first 24 hours we lost one small boy ''green ''



DOLCE AMORE MIA-pink.....................ITALY  - HD A  /ED O/O    thyroid ok /  Eyes CLEAR incuding gonioscopy /Heart clear  LPN 1&2 N/N, Lemp NN ( died 2019  bone cancer) 

DOLCE BELLA SAGA-ecru....................Poland -my kennel  HD A  / ED  O/O LPN 1 & 2 N/N  ,LEMP N/N thyroid ok /Eyes clear  -JUNIOR POLISH CHAMPION

DOLCE VITA-orange.............................Poland

DOLCE VITTORIA-red........................CANADA HD A /ED  O/O/  thyroid ok /heart clear/ lpn 1&2  N/N / eyes CLEAR LEMP N/N CHAMPION CANADA /HIC/CGN

DOLCE VENDETTA-yellow.......................Poland



DOLCE BANDITO-silver .................UK 

DOLCE MAFIOSO-no ribbon .............UK / X-ray hips  IN 6 months Test-ok    

DOLCE AMANTE-violet.....................POLAND / X-ray hips and elbows  Test-ok 

DOLCE RIGHELLO-blue.....................BELGIUM  LPN 1/2 N/N LEMP N/ N 

DOLCE INDIGO SONNY-sky blue.......POLAND-my  kennel   HD A /ED 0/0  Eyes clear including gonioscopy LPN1&2 N/N LEMP N/N  POLISH JUNIOR CHAMPION/POLISH CHAMPION /POLAND JUNIOR WINNER /QRUFTS 2015

(Died 2018 ,bloat torsion )

DOLCE MACHO-brown.......................BELGIUM  - X-ray hips Test-ok   LPN 1&2  N/N/  Eyes CLEAR  with mild narrow angle glaucoma  AMSTERDAM JUNIOR WINNER /LUXEMBOURG JUNIOR WINNER 











Sagitta i Drago  to psy o wspaniałych typowych dla rasy charakterach 


psy łagodne ale odważne ,lubiące obcych i dzieci  oraz inne psy 


dla szczeniąt poszukiwac bedziemy domów sprawdzonych i odpowiedzialnych


nie sprzedaję szczeniąt do hodowli w Polsce -tylko w ręce prywatne 

lub wystawowe

więcej o matce w dziale nasze suczki -Sagitta





Sagitta and Drago are great dogs of the breed typical character

are courageous and gentle, very friendly to strangers and children

  For puppies looking for good homes I will be responsible


preferably in the hands of a handler but not limited

  some puppies are reserved

but you can still to report booking


Drago is already the father of a very successful litter of Love and Magic in breeding Ginger Heaven

as well as in breeding Bertusowy Gaj and King of the North,This will be his 5 th litter 

More information about the mother puppy-enter the department'' our girls-Sagitta''




informacje o ojcu /father puppy info



ur 14.10.2008


HD/A ED 0/0 LPN 1 N/N

 Serce zdrowe ,reproduktor  /heart clear/eyes clear/stud male




rodzice  Drago / Drago partents


ojciec //Drago father



Skjaergaardens Cool Indigo HD A  -ED O-O


                      matka /Drago mother


Mł.Ch.Pl,ChPl,Zw.Klubu 2007


Enigma du Plateau Bavarois


HD/A,ED 0/0







spotkanie Sagi i Drago 

odbyło się  4 sierpnia 2013 w Budkach Żelazowskich 

pośród lasów i stawu na ,łonie natury.


wizualizacja rodowodu szczeniąt i wspólczynnik inberu


COI 10 generations = 5.79%


COI all 39 generations=29.30 % with 1108 unique ancestors.(not included the 900+ Newfies behind Alma v. Rossbach)

Up date pictures 

Leon 5 years old
Leon 5 years old
Leon in right with Wannesfrim Isla Bonita litter
Leon in right with Wannesfrim Isla Bonita litter
QSS Dolce Bella Saga aka Lilu 5 years
QSS Dolce Bella Saga aka Lilu 5 years
Leon 5 years old
Leon 5 years old
Miś was here 4 years
Miś was here 4 years
Keen 5 years old
Keen 5 years old
Miś 4,5 years old
Miś 4,5 years old
Lilu 5 years old
Lilu 5 years old
Lili And her friend
Lili And her friend

